The effects of coronavirus and isolation have been different for everyone, but for many we lost physical connection with our nearest and dearest. Although we had Zoom calls, FaceTime and social media, nothing compares to the physical presence of our loved ones.  

We polled the Insider team to come up with the top 5 things we can’t wait to do together with family and friends as restrictions start to ease.  

1. Eat out 

There is nothing better than bonding over a good meal and filling up on some drinks with friends. Head out to your favourite restaurant, bar or brunch spot and catch up with your loved ones. 

2. Eat some more 

If you’re not ready to head into a restaurant yet, or just prefer the outdoors, a picnic is for you. Grab a cosy rug, pillow and pack an esky for an afternoon in the sun. Watch the kids run around and enjoy time getting caught up with those you’ve missed. 

3. Explore your local area 

With restrictions lifting, more businesses are beginning to open, and they need your support. Hit your local art gallery museum or exhibition for a lazy Sunday afternoon. We have a list of some of the best ones in Australia, you can find them here.

4. Take a hike 

We all came to love walking during isolation, and the National Parks are beginning to open. Climb your favourite mountain or discover a new one with the company of friends and family. 

5. Go on a holiday 

The tourism industry has taken a serious hit due to coronavirus, and it needs your help. Take a trip away for the weekend and support local businesses in a time of need.  

We hope these ideas help you catch up with your loved ones in the best way possible. Ask questions, listen hard and enjoy your time out of the house.