It is a common saying: Not all heroes wear capes. This is especially true for Musicians Making a Difference (MMAD) who have been changing and inspiring young Australian lives for the past two decades. MMAD is a charity that uses the power of music and mentoring to inspire people to make their lives remarkable. 

These young people often come from challenging circumstances and grapple with issues such as homelessness, mental illness and drug and alcohol dependency. Through MMAD’s initiatives, these young people are given the opportunity to shine a light on their amazing talent and provide the opportunity to provide remarkable growth and incite positive change. 

For The Youth – Camps and Courses 

MMAD boast some of the most dedicated creative mentors in the world who run camps and courses for thousands of young lives. For the past two decades, they have utilised evidence-based creative-therapy and alternative education. 

MMAD deliver over 1000 camps, outreach initiatives and mentoring sessions for Australian communities each year, reaching upwards of 50,000 young people. They have created a tight-knit family that work towards the shared goal of making a difference and finding direction. 

You can find more information about MMAD’s For The Youth camps and courses here


2020 will be the sixth year MMAD and Universal Music team up for Musicians Making A Difference Day. Celebrated on the first Friday in December, MMAD Day is a powerful initiative that invited the wider community to learn more about some of the life-changing messages of the charity. 

The young artists involved use their own stories to create music and content that challenges people to start personal and social change. Every year MMAD Day gains support from some of the biggest names including Billie Eilish, Niall Horan and Tigerlily to name a few.